
**Closed Circuit Camera Recording System Privacy Notice**


**1. Data Controller and Representative:**

This Privacy Notice is prepared in accordance with Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data ("Law") to inform data subjects about the procedures and principles regarding the processing of personal data collected through closed circuit recording systems used in the buildings and extensions of ABDURRAHMAN KARAMANLIOĞLU HOSPITALITY TOURISM CONSTRUCTION PETROLEUM MARKETING EDUCATION AND TRADE JOINT STOCK COMPANY (hereinafter referred to as the "Company").


**2. Processed Personal Data:**

The recorded images of individuals within the camera's field of view, as well as the license plate data of individuals entering the Company's buildings, storage areas, and parking lots with vehicles, are included in the scope of the processed personal data.


**3. Purpose of Processing Personal Data:**

The collected personal data is processed within the framework of the conditions and purposes of personal data processing stated in Article 5 of the Law, including the provision of legal, technical, and commercial security of individuals in business relation with the Company and the security of Company buildings and extensions, assisting in the protection of employees, customers, suppliers, and assets, and detecting potential legal violations and obtaining evidence. In this context, all cameras are recording 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


**4. Method of Collection and Legal Basis for Processing Personal Data:**

Personal data is collected through camera systems located in Company buildings and extensions. Camera monitoring activities are conducted as part of the Company's security policy. The collected personal data is processed based on the legitimate interest of the data controller within the scope of the personal data processing conditions and purposes stipulated in Articles 5 and 6 of the Law.


**5. Recipients of Processed Personal Data and Purpose of Transfer:**

Your personal data may be shared with authorized public authorities, institutions, and organizations in compliance with the aforementioned legal regulations and other statutory provisions and for the purposes explained above, while ensuring administrative and technical security measures.


**6. Retention Period:**

Camera recordings are stored by the Company for 1 month and are destroyed when the purpose of processing no longer exists or when the retention period specified for processing your data under the legislation has expired.


**7. Rights of the Data Subject Whose Personal Data Is Processed:**

As the data subject, in accordance with Article 11 of the Law, you have the following rights:

a. To learn whether your personal data has been processed,

b. To request information if your personal data has been processed,

c. To learn the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used in accordance with their purpose,

d. To know the third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred, whether domestically or abroad,

e. To request the correction of your personal data if it is incomplete or inaccurately processed,

f. To request the deletion or destruction of your personal data,

g. To request notification of the actions taken as a result of corrections, deletions, or destruction to third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred,

h. To object to the occurrence of a result against you by solely analyzing your processed data through automated systems,

i. To demand compensation if you suffer damages due to the unlawful processing of personal data.


Your collected and processed personal data must be accurate and up-to-date in accordance with Article 4 of Law No. 6698 on the Processing of Personal Data. Therefore, in case of any changes in your personal data, you can notify us of your updated and accurate personal information using the methods specified below.


**8. Method of Application to the Data Controller:**

If requested in writing;

- You can submit a signed copy of the "Personal Data Protection Application Form" in person with an identity verifying document, along with a notarized power of attorney indicating your authorization to apply for the rights specified in Article 11, or send it via notary to the address "KARAHAYIT MH. 112 SK. NO:4 PAMUKKALE, 20290 DENIZLI / TURKEY".

- If requested electronically;

You can sign the "Personal Data Protection Application Form" using a secure electronic signature as defined in Law No. 5070 on Electronic Signature and transmit it to our company's Registered Electronic Mail (KEP) address or to the email address "", which is registered in our systems and previously provided by you.


(In order to verify that the application is indeed yours and to protect your rights, additional verification (such as sending a message to your registered email address, making a phone call, etc.) may be requested. If the application is made by third parties on behalf of the data subjects, the person making the application must provide a notarized special power of attorney issued by the data subject.)


Your requests submitted to us will be responded to in writing or electronically, depending on the nature of the request, within the shortest time possible and no later than thirty days. 


**Company Contact Information:**


Tel: +90 258 271 41 56



**This Privacy Notice may be revised by our Company when deemed necessary. In cases of revision, you will be informed accordingly. I acknowledge that I have read and understood this Privacy Notice.**



